Sunday, October 16, 2016


I have not one, but four inspirations for this online journal...
  1. Kathryn - age 3
  2. Ellie - age 2.5
  3. Nadia - age 10 months
  4. Evie - age 7 months
My only regret is not having started this blog sooner. One thing I've come to realize, other than how very blessed I am to be a grandmother, is that time slips by so quickly and it is worth the effort to try and jot things down before they slip away with my memory.

My precious mother, Momz, has written in  her journals every night without fail since I was 10 years old... that's a LONG time. We enjoy reading back through her journals and laugh at the little details we'd forgotten... or look to them for important details about events in our lives. Thank goodness for Momz's journals!

I'll start with this...

Today is Kathryn Elise's 3rd Birthday! I cannot believe how just three short years ago that tiny, preemie baby wriggled her way in to my heart and made me a grandmother. Her precious little face, golden hair, blue eyes and puckered lips claimed not only my heart, but that of our entire family. She has been such a joy to watch grow through each of the stages of her life... each one bringing with it new and extraordinary challenges and triumphs. She is officially potty trained! SHE IS OFFICIALLY POTTY TRAINED! Who knew what an accomplishment that would be??? It took some doing and a bit of persistence on ALL our parts, but we figured out what worked for her and once that was accomplished there was no stopping her. Once she mastered the task, she got to where she didn't want to wear pull-ups at all anymore, even at nap and bed times (which are still risky), so she wore panties OVER the pull-ups as a compromise... win, win! She loves to watch Mother Goose Club, Sophia the First, Doc MacStuffins, Boov (Home), Frozen, Brave and Elmo, to name a few. She loves to sing and dance, which makes this performing Nonni VERY happy! She can sing her ABC's and recognize most of her letters. She can count, know some sign language, can recognize her colors and enjoys reading books and art. She loves her family and baby sissy very much... we know this because she tells us often without prompting. She is very mannerly, saying thank you, please and your welcome most of the time. Don't get me wrong... she's definitely in the Threenage years, but for the most part she is agreeable. Life would be boring without challenges, right?

We celebrated her birthday party here at the house yesterday with family and friends. It was a grand time complete with Frozen princess car rides, pony rides, a pinata, hotdogs and hamburgers and, of course cake and presents. Cousins Ellie and Evie were here, as well as Kathryn's friend KT. Both grandmas and grandpas, great grandma Momz and aunts and uncles. Everyone, especially Ellie and Kathryn, hated to leave to go home.

Here are a few pics of my precious birthday granddaughter, Kathryn Elise, from over her three short years.

 Newborn photo in Daddy's hands.

 Kathryn, on her first birthday!

 Kathryn, two year old photo shoot!

 Hanging out in her car on the farm!

 Kathryn, appearing as Princess Margaret for Sherwood Forest Faire 2016.

Our big three year old KitKat girl!

As I always tell my Grand Littles...
Nonni loves you to the moon and back <3